Friday, June 29, 2007

Let Us Pray!

It seems that the Middle East is always changing. Look away for an instant an you loose your place. Gaza is in the hands of Hamas. Fayad is the new Prime Minister. Katsav has resigned from the Israeli Presidency to be replaced by Peres. Tony Blair is the new MidEast Envoy for the Quartet. And depending on who you listen to Peace, (or at least Peace between Israel and Fatah in the West Bank) is either just over the horizon or a million miles away. Oh yeh, Barak is the new head of the Labor Party and the new Israeli Defense Minister. And the Sword of Damocles remains over Olmert's head until the final report of the Winograd Commission is made public. And on a program on MSNBC I heard a well known Republican consultant make a case for why Donald Trump should be the new US Middle East Peacemaker. The case basically went like this. Because the diplomats continue to fail and the Donald is a world class deal-maker. With Americans continuing to die in Iraq, a renewed potency for the Taliban in Afghanistan, Al Qedea on the march in Europe and the Middle East and Britain suffering under the growing threat of home grown Islamic bombers maybe it is time for new leadership. I think here in America we have to wait until November 2008 to know what comes next.
Let us pray!

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