Wednesday, May 2, 2007


It's May 2, 2007 and I'm writing my first post on SHALOMSALAAMPEACE.
I've been busy for the past 10 years studying the Israeli/Palestinian War of Attrition. I've traveled to Israel and the West Bank three times and spoken with Israeli and Palestinian leaders, peace activists, rabbis, imams, priests and one very special nun who's living right now in the Old City. I've spoken to lots of people too. People in Israel, the West Bank, Gaza and here in the States. I've put together programs to bring together an Israeli Consul General and the Deputy Director of the PLO, to initiate interfaith dialogue and to help raise money for a school for peace, the Hope Flowers School, and an organization to rebuild homes that have been destroyed, the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions. My travels included participation as a member of a Compassionate Listening Delegation and as Lay Leader of the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation's 2002 Mission to Israel. Before this intro becomes too long to bear I'd like to welcome you to my blog, where you will find articles and other documents of interest related to the cause of Middle East Peace. I hope you find SHALOMSALAAMPEACE to be interesting, informative and important enough to send me your comments. At this point I've written more than twenty articles and presented about twenty speeches on components of the conflict and the path to understanding and lasting peace. So I'm just warming up!

Blessings to you.


Sharp Cheddar said...

I'm intrigued by the camel. He or she looks friendly, and tolerant. Perhaps it will carry us over some long, dry spaces. We could use that in these times!

Larry Snider said...

The camel was a friend I met on my last trip to Israel in December 05. We can use all the tolerance we can find. Even if we have to imagine it......

peacedoc said...

Hi Larry!
Thanks for the e-mail. First, I looked briefly into your friends website and it is right up my alley as they say. The Dream Big workshop would fit right into what they are teaching, and i have more ideas that I see would integrate into what they have planned. Would you fill me in on your perspective of the people that are running it and what they are like, etc.??? And then I would like to contact them.

Second, I am honored that you would even consider me to be involved in some big time peace making and transformative ideas with Israel/Palestine issues. My first response is that I know very little about the whole situation. and then my next thought is that it doesn't matter! And here is why.....
No matter where the conflict is, or what they say it is about, it is being fueled by each side thinking they are right. To me it is not determining who is right...because that is a matter of opinion. But getting people to their hearts. to the point of love and understanding, not necessarily agreement. There are ways to do that. You know some of them.
And I just today led a group of women through a "collapse" process....that makes us see all aspects of a situation not only through our eyes, but the eyes of the other person as well. And see where WE ALSO have the same traits that they do that we dislike. I'd love to share more with you about this process. It can be life changing. If you are so inclined, I would LOVE to have you join us for the workhshop on May 19 - it would such an honor to have you there. It fits right into what you are wanting to accomplish, and I would also love to have your feedback in the workshop as well.
You are a wonderful man! Love, Susan